Thursday, 28 June 2012

We of the never never

 Easy drive to Mataranka only 300 odd kms. You might remember it as the setting for the book by Jeannie Gunn 'We of the Never Never". These days it is more about the thermal pools. We stayed at the Mataranka Homestead (which has the replica of the Gunns homestead there). Again it sounds very grand but really just a big RED dust bowl. No hot water in the showers so you really had to use the thermal pool as your daily bath!!!!!! But you could have a fire which Craig took advantage of.... and plenty of wildlife vistors to the fire.,141.899414&spn=18.878842,31.289063

Mataranka thermal pools

The lovely campsite full of red dirt

Bitter Springs pool (much nicer than Mataranka), you could float down the river.

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